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Category: vbBux / vbPlaza
Current Bank %1$s:

Okay... I could really use some help with this!

I just updated to Version 1.2.6 from Version 1.2.3 and now I am receiving this error/bug, it wasn't there in Version 1.2.3.

Current %1$s Total: 92,493.69
Current Bank %1$s: 1,153.10

It only appears in the lottery and eStore, user profile and post bits are all correct.

I have double checked all the code by doing a search for it and it is all correct, but I still get that error/bug, I do not know where to look now. I have spent the last day trying to find it and I would rather not start over from scratch. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Okay... I could really use some help with this!

I just updated to Version 1.2.6 from Version 1.2.3 and now I am receiving this error/bug, it wasn't there in Version 1.2.3.

Current %1$s Total: 92,493.69
Current Bank %1$s: 1,153.10

It only appears in the lottery and eStore, user profile and post bits are all correct.

I have double checked all the code by doing a search for it and it is all correct, but I still get that error/bug, I do not know where to look now. I have spent the last day trying to find it and I would rather not start over from scratch. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Did you revert your estore_main template?

Okay... I could really use some help with this!

I just updated to Version 1.2.6 from Version 1.2.3 and now I am receiving this error/bug, it wasn't there in Version 1.2.3.

Current %1$s Total: 92,493.69
Current Bank %1$s: 1,153.10

It only appears in the lottery and eStore, user profile and post bits are all correct.

I have double checked all the code by doing a search for it and it is all correct, but I still get that error/bug, I do not know where to look now. I have spent the last day trying to find it and I would rather not start over from scratch. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Yes, revert any estore templates, as well as making sure the template edits are 100% correct, those template edits should say stuff like <phrase 1="$vbphrase[ebux_points"> inside of them...


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